Our server's administrators strive to remain neutral and treat all players fairly and equally, without showing favoritism or bias towards any individual or group. Our server admins will not use their powers to abuse tools, perform actions for players, or provide any unfair advantage to any player or group.
It is the players responsibility to prevent "insiding" in the game Rust by building trust, limiting access, keeping an eye on new members, and having a backup plan. Admins should remain neutral and not intervene in player conflicts to maintain a fair game environment.
Players are responsible for taking precautions to prevent your base from being raided both offline and online. To prevent raiding in Rust, players should build and fortify their bases with strong defenses, such as traps, turrets, and multiple layers of walls. Players are also encouraged to keep their base location a secret, and not share codes with people they do not trust. Rust+ is available to players to monitor their in-game status, manage their inventory, and receive notifications on their mobile device.
It's recommended to use the in-game mute function to block out player voices that are disruptive or distracting, and remember that what may be offensive to you may not necessarily be against the game's rules, so please report any actual violations to staff.
We strictly prohibit any form of hacking or exploiting in Rust, and using third-party tools to gain an unfair advantage can result in severe consequences. Report any suspected instances of cheating to the moderators through F7 or Discord, as we take these reports very seriously to ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players.
You must follow the Facepunch Terms Of Service, and Code of Conduct.